Shelley McHardy

This portfolio is out of date. Please visit my current portfolio.

science educator & full stack web developer
3-D molecule
shopping app homescreen
The Smart Shopper

A shopping list app designed to learn how often you buy items and keep you organized. Created as part of the Collab Lab.

Developed with React, Firebase, and Tailwindcss.

database schema diagram
E-Commerce Back Endmore_vert
E-Commerce Back Endclose

This back end for an e-commerce site allows a user to connect to a database, create and seed a development database, start the server, and sync the Sequelize models to MySQL database.

Developed with JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, MySQL, and Sequelize.

sample restaurants
Project getHAPIclose

A platform to save all your restaurant dining ideas and to get inspired.

Developed with JavaScript, Node.js, Express, Graphql, Apollo Server Express, MongoDB, and React.

screencap of sample input and output in VS code
README Generatormore_vert
README Generatorclose

This application will allow a user to create a professional README file from the command line.

The inquirer npm package is used to prompt the user for project details and then a file is generated.

various tools including a hammer wrench and level
Toolin' Aroundmore_vert
Toolin' Aroundclose

A community toolshed application that provides neighbors a platform to list tools they have available and to borrow tools from one another.

Developed with JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, MySQL, Sequelize, Handlebars, Bcrypt, Nodemailer, and Materialize.

image of regex tutorial markdown file
Regex Tutorialmore_vert
Regex Tutorialclose

A tutorial that explains how a specific regular expression, or regex, functions by creating a regex for valid Dutch postal codes, breaking down each part of the expression, and describing what it does

budget tracker with graph
PWA Budget Trackermore_vert
PWA Budget Trackerclose

Updated Budget Tracker application to allow for offline access and functionality. The user will be able to add expenses and deposits to their budget with or without a connection.

Developed with JavaScript, Express, MongoDB Atlas, and Mongoose.

sample list of saved notes
Note Takermore_vert
Note Takerclose

This application allows the user to enter, save, and delete notes.

It uses an Express.js back end and saves and retrieves note data from a JSON file.

simple homepage with buttons to select a pick-me-up
Project getHAPImore_vert
Project getHAPIclose

When a user needs a pick-me-up, they are presented with the option to either get a random pick-me-up or select from three choices: a dad joke, an inspirational quote, or an interesting fact.

Developed with HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and three APIs.